Small dams be made, Kalabagh Dam cannot be made, those talking about consensus are telling lie, Ch Shujat Hussain addresses big public meetings in Larkana and Dadu

We will surprise in the next elections, alliance with PPP will prove durable
Lahore: 16-12-2012: Pakistan Muslim League President Senator Ch Shujat Hussain has said that PML is the party of whole of Pakistan, we talk truth and right and say one thing in all four provinces, my father Ch Zahoor Elahi Shaheed remained in jails in Sindh and Balochistan also with local leaders and workers, we do understand grievances of smaller provinces and always condemn excesses and oppression, political leaders should not betray the people for their benefit, Kalabagh Dam cannot be made, those talking about efforts for consensus on Kalabagh Dam are telling lie, work should be done on small dams, Thar coal, solar energy, wind energy etc, people still remember record development work done by Ch Parvez Elahi as the Chief Minister, we will give surprise in the next elections and alliances with Peoples Party will be durable. He said this while addressing big public meetings in Larkana and Dadu in Sindh province today. On both the places, warm and enthusiastic welcome was accorded to Ch Shujat Hussain and welcome slogans raised. Public meetings were also addressed by PML Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Sayed, PML Balochistan President Jam Muhammad Yousuf, PML Sindh General Secretary Aleem Adil Shaikh, Senior Vice-President Asad Junejo and Women's Wing chief Begum Farrukh Khan.
Ch Shujat Hussain said that he and his family have very old relations with smaller provinces, his father spent time with oppressed people of Sindh and Balochistan, in Sindh his father in jails of Sindh was with people of G. M. Syed and Awami Tehrik, Sindhi nationalists, Rasool Bakhsh Paleejo, he was in jails in Balochistan at Machh and Kohlu and our father used to tell us about deprivations and grievances of the people of the two provinces.
He said that being jagirdar or wadera is no crime but thinking should not be of feudal lords as this is wrong. He said Pakistan Muslim League is not a party of just one province, "what I will say in Dadu, I will say the same thing in Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. He said political leaders should not talk hypocritically and for their own benefits, they should not keep people in dark for gaining political mileage, Kalabagh Dam has not been constructed in thirty years, now we should move onward from Kalabagh Dam.
Ch Shujat Hussain further said that sense of deprivations also prevails in Balochistan like that of Sindh, there has been oppression and excesses in Balochistan, we had condemned this in the past also and what is wrong now we condemn that and express solidarity with the people of Balochistan. He said that has brought PML Balochistan President Jam Yousuf with him for giving a message of solidarity. He said as the Prime Minister he had constituted a committee, headed by Mushahid Hussain Sayed, the work done by this committee in the context of the Parliament has not been done by anyone else till now. Continuing, Ch Shujat Hussain said that we had rendered historical services to the people of Punjab during our tenure, started new projects, in 2008 elections after Peoples Party our party had secured the maximum votes, results in the next elections would be very great, we are not doing even today politics of vested interests, we are doing politics of issues, we are talking about Pakistan in which on top are the people of Sindh who had played key role in the making of Pakistan. Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that Pakistan Muslim League is a symbol of national unity which is coming in the forefront with new enthusiasm, we have the most educated and capable persons team, we were the first to raise voice for Sindh adding that Sindh has to be put together and we will not allow it to be divided. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to the local leaders, workers and people for warm and enthusiastic reception in Sindh. #



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