GROSS mismanagement of present rulers, their ad hoc and myopic policies, acquisition of expired rental power units, acceptance of strict IMF terms, maddening increase in power tariff coupled with power outages up to 18 hours a day have put an unprecedented load on citizens of Pakistan.
This was stated by PML-Q leader Moonis Elahi while talking to party workers in London the other day. He said the way the present government was handling the existing power crisis was extremely flawed. He stated that if the government did not revise its current power policies immediately there was every possibility that there might be electricity available in future but with very few people able to afford it. He said that the rumour was rife that the government was increasing power rates to a further 30 to 40 percent in the next few months.
He said that at present the country was engulfed in darkness, almost 60 pc factories had closed down, farms were giving a desolate look and there was an acute shortage of water and electricity for domestic users. He alleged that despite 12 to 18 hours of loadshedding in the country the power companies were sending consumers 20 to 30 pc inflated bills. He pointed out that only in Punjab over 30,000 industrial units had closed down due to power shortage and there was an alarming increase in public anger and protests but to no avail. He said the government in an unplanned and short-sighted manner was increasing the country’s reliance on fossil fuel for power generation whereas the long term solution to the problem was in implementing a pragmatic and aggressive hydel power policy.



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